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This outlines how to propose a change to flint.

Fixing typos

Small typos or grammatical errors in vignettes can be fixed directly on the Github interface since vignettes are automatically rendered by pkgdown.

Fixing typos in the documentation of functions (those in the “Reference” page) requires editing the source in the corresponding .R file and then run devtools::document(). Do not edit an .Rd file in man/.

Filing an issue

The easiest way to propose a change or new feature is to file an issue. If you’ve found a bug, you may also create an associated issue. If possible, try to illustrate your proposal or the bug with a minimal reproducible example.

Pull requests

General information

  • Please create a Git branch for each pull request (PR).
  • flint uses roxygen2, with Markdown syntax, for documentation.
  • If your PR is a user-visible change, you may add a bullet point in describing the changes made. You may optionally add your GitHub username, and links to relevant issue(s)/PR(s).

How to add a new lint rule in flint?

Adding a rule that exists in lintr:

  1. Create a new .yml file in inst with new_rule("<rule_name>"), e.g new_rule("expect_length").
  2. Import the tests from lintr with get_tests_from_lintr("<rule_name>"), e.g get_tests_from_lintr("expect_length").
  3. Add "<rule_name>" in the list of linters located in R/list-linters.R.
  4. Load the package with devtools::load_all(). Uncomment and run the block of commented code below the list_linters() function where you added the rule. This creates a new entry in R/linters_factory.R.
  5. Run devtools::document() to register this new entry.
  6. Tweak the .yml file so that most tests pass (in some cases, some lintr tests can be commented out).
  7. Add additional snapshot tests for fix_text(), e.g.
test_that("fix works", {
  linter <- expect_length_linter()

  expect_snapshot(fix_text("expect_equal(length(x), 2L)", linters = linter))
  expect_snapshot(fix_text("expect_identical(length(x), 2L)", linters = linter))

  expect_snapshot(fix_text("expect_equal(2L, length(x))", linters = linter))
  expect_snapshot(fix_text("expect_identical(2L, length(x))", linters = linter))